Against Cyber Regulations like SEC, FINRA, NYDFS, and NAIC
1. Your Cyber Program Maturity
Simply having cyber policies on file isn’t enough. Policies require a mature program to manage implementation and tasks. Let’s discover the maturity level of your program using Buckler’s experience working with hundreds of financial services firms.
2. Your Regulatory Compliance
Cyber compliance follows mature programs, not the other way around. Using Buckler’s proprietary Policy Match, we will look across all of the regulations that apply to your firm to score your overall cybersecurity posture and compliance stance.
Review Process
. Send your current policies and procedures to (send NDA if required).
. Buckler assesses and scores your Cyber Program.
. Within a week you get a report, along with score and recommendations.
Leverage a third-party, cyber compliance expert team to gather the following information for a status: